
上一题: [*] Greyhound racing is the six...
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Many animals which inhabited the earth in bygone periods have entirely【C1】(appear), leaving not even a modern representative of their race. Others, no doubt, were known to prehistoric peoples, concerning which no record has come down to us. But within the period of【C2】rec______observation, many animals have lived and died out: various, causes contributing to their【C3】(exterminate), not least among these being in the presence of mankind. Man reconstructs the face of the earth to suit his needs: he cuts down【C4】f______, plows or burns over prairie lands, changes the course of rivers, drains the swamps, and thus destroys the natural【C5】en______of many of nature’s wild children. Then, too, he destroys creature directly: he kills them for food, for clothing, or for other utilitarian【C6】: he hunts them because he fears them, as dangerous foes to himself, or to his【C7】agr______pursuits: he destroys them for sport: and finally he draws them from feral conditions by【C8】(domestic). Not only thus does man directly injure by exterminating influences,【C9】 his coming accompanied by exterminating influences, kills out certain other creatures. These, when man has destroyed their natural prey, practically die of starvation before they can【C10】ad______themselves to changed conditions. Then the domestic dogs, cats, etc. help on the work of slaughter in certain ways, by preying upon wild life.  


[*] Greyhound racing is the sixth most【C1】p______ spectator sport in the United States. Over the last decade, a growing number of racers have been【C2】 to spend their retirement as household pets, once their racing careers are over. Many people hesitate to adopt a retired racing greyhound because they think only very old dogs are【C3】ava______. Actually, even champion racers only work until they are about three-and-a half years old. Because greyhounds usually live to be 12 to 15 years old, their retirement is much【C4】than their racing careers. People worry that a greyhound will be more【C5】(nerve)and active than other breeds and will need a large【C6】sp______to run. These are false impressions. Greyhounds have naturally sweet, mild dispositions, and while they love to run, they are sprinters rather than distance runners and are【C7】(sufficiency)exercised with a few daily laps around a fenced-in backyard. Greyhounds do not make good watchdogs,【C8】they are very good with children, get along well with other dogs(and usually cats as well), and are【C9】(affection)and loyal. They are intelligent, well-behaved dogs, usually housebroken in only a few days. A【C10】re______ racing greyhound is a wonderful pet for almost anyone.
[*] Many animals which inhabited the earth in bygone periods have entirely【C1】(appear), leaving not even a modern representative of their race. Others, no doubt, were known to prehistoric peoples, concerning which no record has come down to us. But within the period of【C2】rec______observation, many animals have lived and died out: various, causes contributing to their【C3】(exterminate), not least among these being in the presence of mankind. Man reconstructs the face of the earth to suit his needs: he cuts down【C4】f______, plows or burns over prairie lands, changes the course of rivers, drains the swamps, and thus destroys the natural【C5】en______of many of nature’s wild children. Then, too, he destroys creature directly: he kills them for food, for clothing, or for other utilitarian【C6】: he hunts them because he fears them, as dangerous foes to himself, or to his【C7】agr______pursuits: he destroys them for sport: and finally he draws them from feral conditions by【C8】(domestic). Not only thus does man directly injure by exterminating influences,【C9】 his coming accompanied by exterminating influences, kills out certain other creatures. These, when man has destroyed their natural prey, practically die of starvation before they can【C10】ad______themselves to changed conditions. Then the domestic dogs, cats, etc. help on the work of slaughter in certain ways, by preying upon wild life.


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